Our youngest are now 5 days old and doing very well.
As you can see, there is big sister with little brother.
Just like mom Mimi, which is a good size lady (8 LBS, and dad, who is a very small little guy. (5 LBS).
Mom: Road's End Madame Mimi |
Dad:: Road's End Duke |
There is plenty of milk for both of them, so little brother is not getting cut short.
Most likely there will be one-, or both available at a later age , where the boy may become available for reservation at an earlier age (5-6 weeks) than the girl(7-8 weeks).
Stay tuned. There are more babes expected soon:
Around upcoming Thanks Giving Day (Road's End StormTracker Windy) and last from our first time mom Road's End Picante in the first week in upcoming December.
Below: your left: Windy, your right: Picante
Below the lucky sires.
Blesk Fortuni Dendi Charm (Import from Belarus)
(sired to Windy) |
Robin Hood Perłowy Raj (Robby) (Import from Poland)
(sired to Picante) |