the following question was asked on my Face book page:
Here is my answer:
I stay on almost everything under 2.- / Lb; have to with all my dogs. I serve 2 Lbs twice/day- figure 4 Lbs for 8.- /day, times 30=$240.-. So, if you have 2 dogs, lets say, you serve 4 oz twice/day= 8 OZ= 1/2 Lb per day=$1.-/day times 30= 30.- / months. I think I am correct, and I think it is very affordable . Of course you can get much more elaborated, but my dogs are doing well on this simple diet. the cart above has ground beef, beef heart, chicken breasts, chicken drumettes, chicken liver, chicken gizzards; I did not get this time my usual beef back ribs, beef kidney. that will be in the list for next time. Dairy they also get from another store.