Velvet lives in Central Oregon.
Here a encouraging statement for all of you, from the owner:
Hi Antje,
I have never seen such a strong, agile, alert, and smart pup as Xabi ( Velvet). We got Sophie as a pup at the same age - and it took Sophie months to be able to negotiate the one step in our house! Xabi launches herself off of the step and even the <10" step off the back deck at the same age - she is a wunder dog !!!!
I totally attribute this difference to the fact that you have always fed your pups a raw diet - and Sophie had to suffer with kibble due to my ignorance. I feel as if I have been starving my poor Sophie for 5 years !!!
Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge and helping me understand the importance of a raw diet!! Several of my friends have switched their dogs to raw - and all of my family has as well. What a difference!!!!!
A nice side benefit is Sophie's previously stinky breath has gone away on the raw diet. I had her teeth cleaned when she was 2 because of the horrible stench! The vet told me her teeth were pristine - and did not understand why her breath stank so badly. It is horribly sad to now know how misguided vets are ( they are supposed to be the animal specialists) - and to know that they are not interested in the fundamental health of the dog. A raw diet would have cured the stinky breath, and I would not have had to risk anesthesia !!!
It is very easy to feed raw food - and I feel like I am giving my pups the best nutrition available. I went to the local pet store and read the ingredients on the all of the puppy food packages - the most protein of any available package was <38%. Even the packages that said "all natural" had fillers and grain - ugh !!! The cheapo stuff is full of chemicals! It is all poo !!!!!!
It is truly sad and misleading what is being sold as dog food - but I will be forever grateful to you for helping me understand the difference!
Thank you for allowing your beautiful puppy to join our family - and for showing me how to provide true nutrition to my pups !
Puppy Loves followed by a happy nap!