**Road's End Papillons- established in 2006
**We are advocates of raw-, fresh, "human-grade food" for our canine friends .
we follow limited vaccination guidelines.
**Please note that Road's End available Papillons are
only to be seen by clicking on the AVAILABLE page, unless mentioned otherwise

Friday, November 8, 2013

Bone Broth: Healthy Nutrition for Dogs (and Humans)

Already made my batch of Bone Broth, and stored  some of it in ice cubes trays in the freezer.
Please read the following article about all the wonderful benefits of adding Bone Broth to your dog's diet, and how to prepare it.
Here a cutout from the article, and you can read all by clicking on the link below.

Bone Broth Is Great Nutrition For Sick Dogs

Have you ever had a dog with terrible diarrhea and had trouble getting him back on solid food? Or a dog who is convalescing and doesn't have a great appetite but you know he needs more nutrition?
Bone broth to the rescue!
Studies conducted in the 1800′s showed that when there is plenty of gelatin in the diet, the body’s need for protein from meat sources can be reduced by as much as fifty percent! Bone broth is also an excellent source of important minerals and can bolster the immune system (think chicken soup)!
Bone broth is also loaded with glycine, which aids digestion by helping to regulate the synthesis of bile salts and secretion of gastric acid.
Click on the link below to read all about Bone Broth (From the Magazine Dogs Naturally)

Reasons Your Dog Will Love Bone Broth