You might have the vet check your puppy for impacted teeth,or any other underlying issues, but otherwise, you just have to put up with the odor for a little while.
**Road's End Papillons- established in 2006
**We are advocates of raw-, fresh, "human-grade food" for our canine friends .
we follow limited vaccination guidelines.
**Please note that Road's End available Papillons are
only to be seen by clicking on the AVAILABLE page, unless mentioned otherwise
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Bad Breath, Halitosis in (Papillon) Puppies
If you purchased a puppy at age 8-12 weeks, and all of a sudden it starts to develop Bad Breath (Halitosis), don't be terribly alarmed as it is quite common.
Puppies can develop a fowl smelling breath as they teeth, and most likely it will go away after the full set of adult teeth are grown in (5-7 months).
You might have the vet check your puppy for impacted teeth,or any other underlying issues, but otherwise, you just have to put up with the odor for a little while.
You might have the vet check your puppy for impacted teeth,or any other underlying issues, but otherwise, you just have to put up with the odor for a little while.