Here are a few points about these myths and the reality.
- Small dogs live longer.
No myth here.
The life expectancy of small dogs is 11-18 years, where their big buddies only live 7-12 years.
- Small dog - small housing, or apartment.
Partial myth.
You have to look at the energy level of the particular breed.
Example: a Bull Mastiff is a very calm breed, lays around most of the day and sleeps.
Terriers, a small breed is of high energy, not very suitable for an apartment.

- Small dogs bark more than big dogs.
Partial myth.
Here again, you have to look at the breed .
All watch dog breeds (not to be mistaken for a guard dog breed) are vocal. That is what they where meant to do, and, yes, it includes Papillons.
Papillons, Phalenes where bred to be a lap dog and watch dog.
They make great mobile door bells!!
- Larger dogs are more aggressive than their tiny counter partners.
Myths here.
Aggressiveness can be found in all breeds, and it is strictly related to poor breeding programs, under- socialization, and purposely misguided training.
It's just that the bigger the dog, with more powerful aggression, the more damage it does.
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