News from Luminous Lucca, the brother of our girl Lucia Fátima.
Lucca left us recently for his new home in PA.
The lines from his new mom are well worthy to read, because it shows you what you can do with a Papillon, or Phalene in such a short time, if you take the time and focus on training.
Lucca's learning is going VERY well. He is going potty outside
consistently, in fact he was very antsy at the pet store check out, and I
couldn't understand why until… we exited and he immediately pooped!! The dear
was holding it! Poor thing.
He has learned down, sit is even faster, up on his hind legs, waits (stays)
really well, looks when his name is called, leaves treats alone until we say
okay, looks at me when something falls on the floor to see if he is allowed to
have it. He "gets" toys and is developing an understanding of fetch. He knows
drop it and leave it. We are teaching him to go to certain places (bed, window,
pillow). Just today, Eli taught him to shake well in just one short session and
he also does high five!
We took a long walk on Christmas as his ears perked up when strangers
approached, while he increased his speed to greet them. I tell people to pet
under his chin and this has really helped him engage with greater
Antje, I just want you to know that he is an incredible dog!! I am not a
dog trainer at all, Lucca is just so intelligent and good natured. Did we just
luck out or are all papillons this capable?
He still follows me everywhere. I can't remember what my life was like
before Lucca came.
The greatest Christmas blessing!!
Wishing you the very best through the holy nights.
Lucca, no bigger than a handkerchief, wants to be a shepherd at the nativity |
Look at his amazing ears! Lucca is gorgeous! And he really loves