That brings up a frequently asked question:
The answer is NO, and here are the reasons, why not.
- Can cause an infection
- Can remove the stitches from the wound, and open up the incision.
- Process of healing may be delayed.
- Can develop into a nervous habit.
Check the post operative wound frequently, he may be licking, when you don't see it. If the wound is red, or inflamed, it's time to get into action, to stop your babe from licking.
- Have a E (Elizabethan) collar already stashed away for those occasions, and place it around his neck. Available on line, or Pet shops.
- A T shirt, or his own clothing, you have, would be good to cover up a incision on his chest, or upper abdomen.
- A sock, tube sock, or bandage would be good for a wound on a limb.
Boulee's story:
He started licking his wound, as soon, as he arrived home.
I did had a E collar ready for him, but it turned out not to be his size. The diameter of the collar did not exceed beyond his jaw.
So, I made a "make do" E collar.
Here is, what I did.
I took cardboard (school supplies) not too thick, not too thin. (An old X ray film would be better)

I will have a new E collar in a couple of days.
Boulee is still looking for a loving family to be with. He comes with the guarantee to full fill your dreams of having a small, loyal, most snugly, and hug gable little being. He is clean, calm, playful, patient; walks on lead, has been in cars, and public. You will have a for-ever friend.