**Road's End Papillons- established in 2006
**We are advocates of raw-, fresh, "human-grade food" for our canine friends .
we follow limited vaccination guidelines.
**Please note that Road's End available Papillons are
only to be seen by clicking on the AVAILABLE page, unless mentioned otherwise

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Road's End Papillons, Owned by Others

Cowboy and Donna Mae are leaving us today to go to their new home .
Since we , as breeders, are always striving for the betterment of the Papillon / Phalene Breed, it is necessary to let our beloved dogs go at certain times. Believe me, it is the hardest thing to do, but always nice to find a good loving home, where they get the daily individual attention they deserve so much.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Papillon Rock Climbing

6 PM , our Papillons and Phalenes had a rock climbing convention. Mostly our puppies with their moms.

Look closely

Don't be captured by Nanu Nana, look to the right

Getting dark

I made it

Monday, August 29, 2011

Papillon Family

CH/BA Road's End Ore'O with her 2 children. Her son Acini di Pepe is now, at 4.5 months,  taller than mom. Daughter Anelli is still very tiny.
Mom Ore'O

Son Acini di Pepe

Daughter Anelli

14 Months old Papillon + Phalene (Brother + Sister)

CH/BA Road's End Snickers Delight (girl) + brother  CH/BA Strammer Max
now 14 monbths old.
Snickers Delight

Strammer Max

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Papillon Growth Development from 5 Weeks to 4 Months

To show you the development of Road's End Boulee (Male):
5 weeks

7 weeks

10 weeks

14 weeks

4 Months

You Ask: Symptoms of Heatstroke, Hyperthermia, in Papillons, Phalenes, Dogs

U ask: Symptoms of Heatstroke, Hyperthermia in Papillons.

Papillons and other small dogs have low body mass that make them lose heat easier.
Big dogs have the bigger chance to get a heatstroke, than a small dog, but if any dog's temperature reaches about 101 degrees, he will no longer be able to maintain his normal body temperature. At 106 degrees, you got only minutes to safe his life, because his internal organs are in the breakdown process.If he is not cooled down quickly, he will die. Even at that stage, if you did bring his temperature down, he may already have suffered irreversible internal damage.
To regulate his temperate, the only tool your friend has is : panting. He will have an enlarged tongue while panting, when hot.. This helps to increase the surface area through which heat can be dissipated.
If it is a hot and humid day, he is unable to cool his body effectively, and as a result his temperature rises rapidly.
Symptoms of a Heatstroke
  • Pale gums, bright red tongue;
  • Disorientation and your dog doesn't respond to his name;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Thick saliva;
  • Vomiting;
  • Breathing difficulties;
  • Collapse;
  • Coma;
  • Death
Papillons, Phalenes Prone to Heatstroke
  • Young puppies and older dogs;
  • Overweight dogs;
  • Dogs with an existing illness or recovering from illness or surgery;
Treatment of Heatstroke
Some  techniques to cool your dog  includes spraying him down with cool water, or immersing his entire body in cool – not cold – water; wrapping the dog in cool, wet towels;  cooling with fans; Stop these procedures when temperature reaches 103° F (using a rectal thermometer) to avoid dropping below normal body temperature.
Do not give your dog  ice or very cold water, as this may cause blood vessels near the surface of the body to constrict and may decrease heat dissipation. A shivering response also is undesirable, as it creates internal heat. Lowering the temperature too quickly can lead to other health problems, a gradual lowering is best. The same guideline applies to drinking water. Allow your dog to drink cool, not cold, water freely. However, do not force your dog to drink.
The very best is always to prevent a heatstroke.

Preventing a Heatstroke

Papillons especially do not always know when to stop.
  • Try and keep your dog's activity to a minimum particularly on hot and humid days;
  • Exercise early morning best, or late at night on hot days.

  • If possible keep your dog indoors during the the hot day in a well ventilated or air conditioned room.
  • Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    Road's End Phalene Puppies

    Our Phalene puppies are growing up. I re-named one of the little girls; when born, I named her Farfalle, or Farfalla, which means in Italian: Butterfly. But it looks like that she will remain a phalene, and her new name became: Falena Satin Beauty; Falena is Moth in Italian, and Satin Beauty is a species of a moth:

    Boy Flaneur, 7 weeks

    Girl Falena Satin Beauty, 7 weeks

    Girl Eclaire, 9 weeks 
    These little guys are reserved

    Road's End Papillons Owned by Others

    Here a  letter + lovely photo, taken by the owner of Road's End Misty + Mousse:

    Hey Antje,
       I promised you a photo of Mousse and Misty the next time I took pictures so I'm sending one on to you.   They absolutely love each other and are truly best of friends.  Mousse weighs about 9 lbs. and as you can see, is a very beautiful dog.  Misty is probably between 3 1/2 and 4 lbs., is very petite, and cute as a button.  Her coat is coming in beautifully and her tail gets prettier and prettier all the time.  We've spent a lot of time at our cabin this summer where the dogs can run to their hearts content.  I love how this breed appears to "smile" when they're happy--which they always are!!  Thanks so much for allowing them to be a part of our family!  Lynn.

    Tuesday, August 23, 2011

    Road's End Papillons Owned by Others

    Road's end XTra Fino:
    These precious photos where taken by her owner .
    Fini is now 7 months old, and she is the sister to our XTra Coco.

    Hi Antje,
            We go camping every year with Esther's extended family, usually to the central coast of California, and Fino (aka Zoey) made her debut as our official camp dog a few weeks ago. We arrived late in the day, which made for very nice ligting in the first two pictures. It was quite cool, even in summer, as it typically is on the central coast. There was no shortage of people to keep Fino warm when needed. She fell right in to the usual camp activities: you can see her engrossed in a good novel with Chelsea in the 4th photo.

    Road's End Papillon Puppies

    Running out of  Space:

    Monday, August 22, 2011

    Road's End Papillons-Owned by Others

    Road's End Up- Towne- Girl (Bella) @ 1 year
    These photos from her owner

    She has now a 4 months old playmate from us:
    Road's End Zarina @ 4 months

    Shear Day, Do- It- Yourself Style.

    August 22, 2011: Shear Day-Do It Yourself Style.
    Yes, look here, that's me, in my old days: a Do -it-yourself-style shear day. I believe the world record in shearing a sheep is 3 minutes or so. Hurrah, I beat that, it took me only 1hour + 20 minutes .

    Tobie, our Shetland sheep

    Next in line