Give me your opinion: will it grow back? She is almost 4 years old. And she is my main "photo model".
Here are some "opinions" copied from my face book page.
- It will grow back...believe me...Puzzel was doing this often....he did it one week before the WW-show in Stockholm....:(
- I have a male that had Beautiful long fringe, and the puppies chewed it off and it never grew back ;-( that was about 1 1/2 years ago
- LOVELY female!!! Cross fingers for the fringe-growing again !!
- It may or may not Antje :( I know that's not what you wanna hear but some dogs will grow it back and others will not! I have the same problem with the puppies chewing the fringes on the adults while playing. JP's fringes are half the length they used to be.They still get full but no longer really get the length. Now Simon on the other hand has grown his back. Depends on the papi :)
The "New" Praline |