(Tutsi, now Xena, @ 8.5 weeks ):
Hi Antje, Thanks for the photo they are all adorable. I have been having soooo much fun with Xena. We play a lot in the yard as the weather is fantastic. Exploring and playing get the ball is the best. She brings it back 9/10 times. She is also perfect with sit. I am working on 'down' now. She is getting better with house training. I try to stick to a bit of a schedule day and night. I was wondering how to get her to go in the litter box though. She thinks it makes a great noise then jumps out. With winter coming that would be great to get her back into the habit of litter trained. Otherwise, I just LOVE her to bits and my husband thinks she is just BEAUTIFUL. Thank you! take care, hope these photos came out ok. laurel and rick, and Xena!