All Papillon Puppies have different personalities.
It's best not to choose a puppy only by its adorable face and looks (they all look that way as a Pap puppy), a sound temperament is a very important part of your life-long friend.
Some of those personalities in those puppies will suit your lifestyle better than others.A adventurous puppy:
is usually very good in "wanting to please you" later. In many occasions a certain amount of "independence" goes along with that line, but that is because of his nature of being an adventurer.
This puppy likes to investigate.

But he is not a cowered, or run of in fear.
This type puppy is great for a regulated home with less commotion, car travel,and not airliners, crowded airports, or train stations .Dog shows may not be his favored thing either. (But there are always exceptions!!)
But he will thrive on extra attention, lots of extra love.
To simplify these descriptions above:
A lively, independent puppy will do well in a home with older children and adults.
The quiet (shy) puppy will do well in a home with a quiet life style, minimal noise and other distractions,and adults only.
Beware: there are plenty of hyper and nervous Papillons out there, bred by breeders who should not be in that business. They are like mini Border Collies, and do not represent the true breed of a Papillon/Phalene anymore.