**Road's End Papillons- established in 2006
**We are advocates of raw-, fresh, "human-grade food" for our canine friends .
we follow limited vaccination guidelines.
**Please note that Road's End available Papillons are
only to be seen by clicking on the AVAILABLE page, unless mentioned otherwise
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Naughty Nana & Ore'O
We are not related!!
Road's End Naughty Nana, (front) : Nanu Nana von den Kolibris & Int./Multi Ch Tiger Man vom Cavalierchen.
Road's End Ore'O, (back): Walzing Mathilda vom Cavalierchen & Silenzio's Brolle
Road's End Naughty Nana, (front) : Nanu Nana von den Kolibris & Int./Multi Ch Tiger Man vom Cavalierchen.
Road's End Ore'O, (back): Walzing Mathilda vom Cavalierchen & Silenzio's Brolle
Friday, February 26, 2010
(Papillon) Problems with Puppy Teeth
A very common problem is that one of the Papillon's deciduous (baby, or temporary puppy tooth) is broken.
These teeth are fragile, have no roots, and if given the wrong chew toys, or a puppy which chews just about on everything around, may break a tooth.
When you see a broken tooth, regardless, deciduous, or adult tooth, you need to bring your Pap to the vet. The tooth will need to be extracted.
A broken tooth most likely will lead to an infection , and you may not see the infection, because it will develop on the root, or bottom of the tooth.
Don't give your Papillon anything that could break it's teeth.
Don't feed cooked bones.
Don't give rib bones, or pork chop bones.
Hard rubber chews are safe, some have shapes where you can hide a little edible treat in it.
Good quality raw hides, larger then he can swallow is safe.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Papillon Puppy Personality
All Papillon Puppies have different personalities.
It's best not to choose a puppy only by its adorable face and looks (they all look that way as a Pap puppy), a sound temperament is a very important part of your life-long friend.
Some of those personalities in those puppies will suit your lifestyle better than others.A adventurous puppy:
is usually very good in "wanting to please you" later. In many occasions a certain amount of "independence" goes along with that line, but that is because of his nature of being an adventurer.
This puppy likes to investigate.

But he is not a cowered, or run of in fear.
This type puppy is great for a regulated home with less commotion, car travel,and not airliners, crowded airports, or train stations .Dog shows may not be his favored thing either. (But there are always exceptions!!)
But he will thrive on extra attention, lots of extra love.
To simplify these descriptions above:
A lively, independent puppy will do well in a home with older children and adults.
The quiet (shy) puppy will do well in a home with a quiet life style, minimal noise and other distractions,and adults only.
Beware: there are plenty of hyper and nervous Papillons out there, bred by breeders who should not be in that business. They are like mini Border Collies, and do not represent the true breed of a Papillon/Phalene anymore.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
The Adaptable Papillon
The Papillon can adapt very well to a apartment living, or general to close indoor conditions. Provided a 30 minute brisk walk out side in a park, and/or a good play with a ball tossed through a couple of your rooms, hallway, etc, your Papi will maintain a healthy physical condition.
All in all, the Papillon does love the outdoors, and when the opportunity given, he may chase all kinds of critters, like squirrels, birds, bunnies......don't forget, they are a Spaniel Breed, and Spaniels are hunting dogs.
All in all, the Papillon does love the outdoors, and when the opportunity given, he may chase all kinds of critters, like squirrels, birds, bunnies......don't forget, they are a Spaniel Breed, and Spaniels are hunting dogs.
Friday, February 19, 2010
The Papillon
The Papillon /pæpijɑn/ (French for "butterfly") is a small, friendly, elegant breed of dog of the Spaniel type, distinguished from other breeds by its large butterfly-like ears.[1] The Papillon is one of the oldest of the toy Spaniels.
Papillons were bred for companionship, and make excellent watch dogs.
(reprinted from Wikipedia)
Papillons were bred for companionship, and make excellent watch dogs.
(reprinted from Wikipedia)
Tha Agile Papillon
Papillons are very agile little creatures. Their jumping abilities can put them at risk. They have little fear and may jump from relative great heights.
The back of a couch is a favored thing to do. You may want to consider to rearrange your furniture, where your couch sits along a wall.
They can also easily wiggle them self out of young children's arms and hands,while standing. From that heights, a Papillon can break a leg or more easily.
Especially Papillon puppies are most fragile, and you should be very selective, who is going to handle your Papillon.
Make everybody sit on the floor, while handling your dog.
The back of a couch is a favored thing to do. You may want to consider to rearrange your furniture, where your couch sits along a wall.
They can also easily wiggle them self out of young children's arms and hands,while standing. From that heights, a Papillon can break a leg or more easily.
Especially Papillon puppies are most fragile, and you should be very selective, who is going to handle your Papillon.
Make everybody sit on the floor, while handling your dog.
Road's End Farm
Thursday, February 18, 2010
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