- Items with little beads in them, small, or sharp metal parts (springs, batteries, pins) or small glass eye balls.
- Ribbons, longer pieces of rope, strips of fibers, nylon.
- Sheets of plastic (Plastic bags).
- Any toys, small sized , that a Papillon could swallow, that includes rawhide bones, when chewed down to a small size, or rawhide sticks chewed down to a smaller size.
- The knots of the end of small raw hide bones. When they come loose, and are swallowed, they could cause intestinal obstructions.
- Thin rubber-squeaky toys. Papillons can chew the squeaker right out of the rubber toy and swallow.
- Cheap, soft toys with cotton like material inside, or foam stuffing. (the better quality might last a little!)

- Real , natural bones: Beef-back ribs, goat, sheep ribs, (I use soup bones cut down to a smaller size)
- Hard rubber balls , or chew toys . You can pick the ones with small openings in them to put bits of dehydrated chicken morsels, dehydrated chicken liver morsels in it, or other healthy, real food treats. It will keep a Papillon quite entertained.